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Ojas Eye Hospital in Bandra, Kandivali, Mumbai

All u need to know about Lasik

All u need to know about Lasik

June 24, 2019

Now you can finally say goodbye to hazy and blurred vision and end your dependence on spectacles or contact lenses!

Introducing High Technology Treatments from Ojas

LASIK (Laser-in Situ keratomileusis) is the latest breakthrough in vision Technology that has transformed the lifestyle of spectacle and contact Lens users all over the world.

LASIK eliminates a life-time of dependence on glasses and contact lenses in just a matter of seconds. The thousands of operations we have successfully handled over the last 20 years, has given us an acute Understanding of the fear and apprehension people have with even the most advanced and safest of procedures like LASIK.

This book is an attempt to offer you insights into how LASIK works and what its effects are. Also, we shed light on the latest improvements in LASIK technology that has given the world an even better and true-to-the eye advanced procedure in the form of Custom LASIK.

What is Lasik?

Laser Vision correction in the blink of an eye

LASIK stands for Laser In-Situ keratomileusis, which means "to shape the cornea within its layers using a laser." LASIK is a skilled procedure that combines the state-of-the art computer technology with advanced laser precision.

How is it different from the older PRK procedure with the EXCIMER laser?

While the earlier Excimer laser procedure (PRK) treated the surface of the cornea, LASIK treats the inner tissue of the cornea and restructures by graining down myopia (minus power), hyperopia (plus power) & astigmatism(cylinder power).

Who can undergo LASIK?

Not everyone is eligible to undergo a LASIK procedure. A potential candidate, must be at least 18 years of age, in good health, and be free from eye diseases such as cataract or glaucoma. A Consultation with an ophthalmologist or optometrist and an in-depth eye examination is a must to find out your eligibility to undergo the LASIK procedure.

Why Choose OJAS for LASIK?

OJAS is an acknowledged leader in the application of Advanced Solutions for vision rejuvenation. Ojas combines trained and highly skilled doctors, sophisticated technology and world class procedures to offer you the very best in eye care and improved eyesight.

LASIK – Safe & Uncomplicated, But a Highly skilled & Specialized Treatment

Pre – Procedure Assessment

  • Before deciding to undergo laser vision correction, the doctor/optometrist will undertake the following step-by-step procedure:
  • Educate the patient about laser vision correction and other alternative procedures.
  • Study the patients eye history and previous test results (if any)
  • Perform the following elaborate pre-procedure diagnostic tests to determine the current state of the eye:
  • Lensometry
  • Auto refraction
  • Topography
  • Wave front Analysis & Aberrometry
  • Visual Acuity Testing
  • Pachymetry
  • Tonometry
  • Slit-Lamp Exam
  • Pupillometry
  • Retinal exam
  • Prepare a surgical plan based on the above diagnostic tests.

The Lasik Procedure – Simple, Safe & Short

The treatment is simple and takes only about 10 minutes to perform. The following steps ensure care & safety during the procedure:

  • Eyelids and lashes are cleaned
  • We instill Antibiotic anesthetic drops in the eye.
  • The patient lies back comfortably on a reclining operating table.
  • A protective corneal flap is created and gently lifted, revealing the inner corneal tissue. Since the corneal flap preserves the surface layer (epithelium) of the cornea, discomfort following LASIK procedure is minimal.
  • The computer within the laser machine is loaded with all the information of the pre-procedure tests.
  • The system calculates the required corneal treatment and directs the laser. Computer controlled pulses of cool laser light are applied to the inner layers of cornea. As the laser pulses, it makes a ticking sound. The inner corneal layer is reshaped with the laser to mimic your contact lens or prescription glasses.
  • The surgeon gently places the flap back and aligns it to its original position.
  • The flap heals naturally and securely.


It cures Myopia and Hyperopia in a twinkling

Post Procedure Care

Most patients can resume work within a day after undergoing the Lasik procedure. There is minor irritation & the sensation of a foreign body after the procedure and the eye may water for some time. In case of pain, a pain killer tablet is advised.

Guiding patients in their Healing Phase

Our Patient Care cell provides post procedure care to help in the recovery process. Patients are advised to take some common and simple eye care measures like

  • Avoid driving, smoking & a head bath for 1-2 days.
  • Wear sunglasses for the first few days in sunlight.
  • Read and watch TV in moderation during the first few.
  • Avoid using eye makeup and rubbing the eye for 1 week.
  • Avoid heavy exercise and swimming for one week.
  • Avoid rough sports that could result in eye injury for one month following Lasik.

Ojas Eye Hospital A Center of Excellence for Contoura Vision, Femto Bladefree Lasik in Mumbai, India.