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December 23, 2020 | Author: Admin
Eyes are vital organ of our body and eyesight is precious. Having a perfect vision is a gift and heredity plays an important role in it. Still, minor vision issues can be sorted out by corrective measures like eye glasses, eye drops and in advanced cases with surgeries. Eyesight changes are not always in our hands but yet few habits can have positive and negative effects on our body. Lack of eye care awareness can affect our eyesight to such an extent that we might end up losing our vision. Several day to day activities need small attention and care for long term healthy vision.
India is predominantly a warm country and we are exposed to direct sunlight about seven to eight months of the year. Sunglasses not only enhances your looks but also protects your eyes from sunlight and ultraviolet rays. Not wearing sunglasses outside also puts you at risk from cancer of the eyelids, the skin around the eye and even the eye itself. Also it is thought to predispose to cataract and age related macular degeneration.
With the advancement in technology and change of work environment, nowadays we are somehow using electronic gadgets all the time. Use of computer have increased in the past decade drastically. People are on social media like never before. Due to all this, people experience problems like dry eyes, strained eyes and by excessive use, it may lead to vision issues.
Contact lens should be used with certain precaution, for example, never share contact lens with others and always get your gas permeable semi soft and rigid contact lenses periodically evaluated with ophthalmologist. Do not use disposable soft lenses for longer than the prescribed usage time. Never sleep with contact lenses and wearing contact lenses for long hours increases chances of eye infection.
We cannot prevent aging related health issues. But the modern diagnostic procedures can help in detecting diseases at early stages. Hence having a routine check up can prevent the deleterious effects of eye conditions like macular degeneration, glaucoma and diabetic and hypertensive retinopathy.
Sometimes due to allergies, it is very tempting to rub the eyes. Excessive eyes rubbing can lead to corneal thinning and vision impairment and lead to a condition called keratoconus. It is recommended to clean your eyes with fresh normal temperature water and consult an eye doctor on regular basis.
Apart from other effects of smoking and drinking alcohol, these habits can affect your eyes as well. Smoke can cause burning sensation in the eyes, chemical products used with tobacco in cigarettes can cause cataracts at an early age. Alcohol can have synergistic bad effects on body with other toxins, released with smoking.
Macular degeneration can impact your central vision, which you need to see objects clearly and perform tasks like reading and driving. Macular degeneration can also make it harder for you to recognize faces.
While using cleansing chemical agents in household or factories, cutting tools or industrial furnaces and machine tools can cause direct trauma to the eyes from injury. Always use safety measures to prevent eyes from any hazard.
Our favourite eye makeup is mascara, In case of mascara, its wand can collect bacteria from the eye specially when reinserted in the bottle and thus with every use, you are actually exposing your eyes with dangerous infection. Similarly, sharing makeup may propagate infection from one person to another.
It is common practice to use eye drops to get relief from itchy or red eyes and slowly it becomes habit. Prolonged use of eye drops can cause dependency for whitening and soothing the eyes.
Annual check up helps in identifying disease at initial levels and guides you for corrective measures. Early diagnosis are important when we talk about eye health, as it enhances quality of life. Your vision will continue to change as you get older, sometimes getting worse. People with 60 years and above should go through eye examination regularly as body start showing age-related issues by this time.
To schedule an appointment with one of our experts or to know more about our various corrective and treatment modalities, feel free to contact us at 61549999 or visit our clinic at Roseland Building, Junction of Linking Road and Waterfield Road, Bandra, Mumbai- 400050. India.