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Is It Possible To Get Cataracts Again After Surgery?

Is It Possible To Get Cataracts Again After Surgery?

December 7, 2022

Did you undergo cataract surgery? Are you now noticing a change in your vision? You might be wondering, “Can cataracts come back after surgery?” if you had cataract surgery and are now having vision problems. Continue reading to learn more about cataract surgery and whether or not cataracts can return after surgery.

Why do cataracts occur?

Clouding of the eye’s lens is known as a cataract. This clouding prevents the incoming light from correctly focusing on the retina. Different areas of the lens may be affected, and different symptoms of cataracts may occur.

Treatment options for cataracts

Surgery is the only method of cataract therapy. The eye’s cataract-damaged lens is removed during cataract surgery. The damaged lens is subsequently replaced with an artificial intraocular lens by the eye surgeon.

Can cataracts recur following surgery?

After surgery, cataracts cannot recur. The clouded lens of the eye is removed during cataract surgery, and a synthetic lens is then placed in its place. A cataract cannot form on an artificial lens. However, the lens capsule( the natural support on which the artificial lens sits) could become hazy following surgery. This may result in hazy vision and symptoms resembling cataracts.

After surgery, symptoms may appear months or years later. Sometimes, this condition is referred to as a “secondary cataract.” It’s posterior capsular opacification, in fact. Although posterior capsular opacification is the most frequent post-cataract surgery complication, it only happens in a small percentage of individuals.

What signs indicate a posterior capsular opacification?

If you’ve undergone cataract surgery, you can definitely describe how having a cataract feels. Although a cataract and a secondary cataract are not the same, the experiences in both cases are very similar.

Here are some specific things to watch out for:

  • Glares
  • Halos
  • Hazy vision
  • Difficulty recognizing colors, contrasts, and objects

What is the treatment for posterior capsular opacification?

You should consult a skilled ophthalmologist if you are one of the minority of individuals who develop cloudy or blurry vision after cataract surgery. It is possible to treat this condition rapidly and with little to no discomfort with a procedure called Yag Laer Capsulotomy. During treatment, the ophthalmologist creates a tiny hole in the posterior capsule using a specialized laser. By doing so, the membrane becomes clear, allowing light to enter. Your vision should return after the operation. The majority of patients can resume their normal activities immediately.

You can trust our posterior capsular opacification care.

Do you have any prior cataract surgery experience? Do you have cloudy or hazy vision? Keep posterior capsular opacification out of your daily life. Eye specialists at Ojas – Eye Hospital in Mumbai takes great pride in providing superior treatment for posterior capsule opacification.

Set up a consultation with our experts right away to learn more about posterior capsule opacification. To make an appointment, contact the Ojas – Eye Hospital by phone (+91-9930084855 ) or email (


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