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Ojas Eye Hospital in Bandra, Kandivali, Mumbai

What Might Be Causing Light Sensitivity In You

May 7, 2023

Light sensitivity, commonly known as photophobia, causes an individual to experience discomfort or eye pain when exposed to bright light. This condition affects millions of people globally.

Photophobia can occur after being exposed to direct sunlight, fluorescent light, or incandescent light. Some people are simply bothered by bright lights, whereas others are bothered by any light, and it might cause headaches as well as the need to squint or close your eyes.

Some of the most prevalent reasons for light sensitivity are listed below:

Dry Eye

Dry eye syndrome affects around 40 million people worldwide, and it happens when your eyes do not produce enough quality tears to lubricate and nourish your eyes. This disorder is characterized by blurred vision, the sensation of having a foreign object in the eyes, and eye redness. Approximately 3/4 of all dry eye patients report light sensitivity along with eye irritation and difficulty in wearing contact lenses.


A cataract is cloudiness of the natural lens of the eye. It commonly occurs in elderly persons, and it affects more than half of all those over the age of 80. Light sensitivity is a common symptom associated with it.


Uveitis is a type of eye irritation that occurs due to the inflammation inside your eye and affects the middle layer of tissue in the eye wall. This condition can affect one or both eyes in people aged 20 to 50, although it can also affect children in rare cases. Uveitis has no known etiology; however, it can be caused by trauma, infections, or an autoimmune or inflammatory condition. Uveitis is a serious medical condition that can result in permanent visual loss; however, early detection and therapy are important in the management of this condition.

Corneal Abrasion

Corneal abrasion is a type of eye damage in which the cornea becomes scratched as a result of injury to the eye’s outermost layer caused when a foreign object, such as sand, metal fragments, or dirt, enters your eye. If not treated immediately, it can lead to a corneal ulcer, which is a vision-threatening disorder caused by a corneal infection. If you suspect you have a corneal abrasion, you should see an eye expert right away.

Detached Retina

The retina is linked to your level of light sensitivity. In the event that the retina gets detached from the eye, you may notice an increase in light sensitivity, visual floaters or flashes, and/or vision loss. Retinal detachment can occur at any age; however, it is more common in people over the age of forty. You should consult an eye specialist as soon as possible if you have a detached retina.

Sunburned Eyes

Photokeratitis, or severely sunburned eyes, is caused by prolonged exposure to the sun’s UV radiation, so yes, it is possible to get sunburned eyes! This syndrome can cause impaired vision and sensitivity to light. It is not necessary that you need to look directly into the sun to develop sunburned eyes; rather, the sun’s rays can be reflected in water and/or sand and can harm you. This can cause long-term effects on your eyes, just as there are on your skin. Sunlight can cause your eye cells to deteriorate, which can lead to eye problems like cataracts. When exposed to UV radiation, it is critical to constantly wear sun protective eyewear.

Allergic Conjunctivitis

Allergic conjunctivitis is characterized by redness and inflammation of the transparent membranes that protect the whites of the eyes and the inner part of the eyelids and is often known as pinkeye. This type of conjunctivitis is caused by eye irritations, including dust, pollen, and animal dander, and it can be seasonal or reoccur all year around. Fortunately, there are drugs that can help avoid allergic conjunctivitis.

Ojas – Eye Hospital in Mumbai can help you protect your eyes against light sensitivity

Your eyes are the most important organ and sense you have, so protect them! If you are experiencing any type of light sensitivity, you should see an eye specialist right away so that the condition can be addressed before it worsens. Fortunately, our expert team at Ojas – Eye Hospital in Mumbai offers all the information you need to keep your eyes in excellent condition. Contact us today to schedule an appointment or to learn more about eye care.


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