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June 7, 2019 | Author: Admin
Ku et al ( p. 214 ) conducted a nationwide, population-based prospective study to examine the association between near visual activities and incident myopia in Taiwanese children over 4 year of follow-up. The study involved 1958 Children from the Taiwan 2009 National Health Interview Surgery. The researchers estimated the association between incident myopia and 3 types of near visual activities: reading; electronic screen use (computer and handheld devices); and attending cram school-classes outside the regular school system. At baseline, 26.8% of children had myopia, whereas 27.7% of those without myopia at baseline developed incident myopia between 2010 and 2013. The researchers reported that of the 3 types of closes visual work, attending cram school for more than 2 hours a day increased the risk of incident myopia. They conclude that greater time spent in cram school is associated with a higher risk of incident myopia in Taiwanese children, potentially because it increases Near Visual activity and reduces outdoor time.