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Ojas Eye Hospital in Bandra, Kandivali, Mumbai

Dyslexia and Eye health

December 26, 2020

Dyslexic patient often finds difficulty in reading and processing whatever he looks at. These kind of patients need different teaching methods. Their brain processes the symbols and sounds in a different way.

Dyslexia was first recognised in 1890. Although it is a neurological condition, yet intelligence is not affected. Issue faced by most of dyslexic patients is difficulty grasping and then correlating the events faster. Their brain ability is inhibited in such a way that it fails to distinguish and match words and symbols from one another. 

One of the common finding is to identify the dyslexia patients at early stage by understanding the pace of child with reading and writing. Hand Eye coordination is a challenge with them. 

Dyslexic patients are unable to remember things for longer time, so repeating any task is a challenge for them. Same way, they lack concentration as well and lose focus easily. About 5-15% of the population is affected with Dyslexia.

Professional help impacts a lot on the child, and if received at an early age , improves quality of life to a greater extent.

How does one get Dyslexia?

It runs in families, about 40-50 % of the cases show that their siblings or family members are affected. It is a complex genetically transmitted disease. Our brain keeps evolving and if handled professionally, there are great examples of successful dyslexic patients, who have made a mark in the history.

How is dyslexia diagnosed?

It is diagnosed mainly on subjective symptoms like

  • Poor spelling and writing skills
  • Trouble repeating any task
  • Social mingling is very limited
  • Reading maps and identifying directions is a challenge

Types of Dyslexia

As such Dyslexia is not divided but on the basis of learning ability and other symptoms it can be divided into various forms:

Phonological Dyslexia

About 75% of the dyslexic people find difficulty in breaking up the speech into individual sound. Initial years of life are more about following the instructions and dyslexic individual find it a complex exercise.

Surface dyslexia

In this variant, comprehension problem and reading difficulty, due to long processing time, is observed.

Visual dyslexia

It is manifested as trouble reading and memorising concepts on the page. The Brain is unable to processe the full picture of the information perceived by the eyes.

Primary dyslexia

It is a genetically inherited variant. Patient poses difficulty in processing spellings, numbers and leaves a negative impact on these children.

Secondary/Developmental dyslexia

Sometimes dyslexia is seen in case of poor nutrition or infection in the womb. It causes neurological impairment and hampers normal brain development.

Acquired/Trauma dyslexia

In the event of brain injury due to accident or some other reason, patient tend to show dyslexic symptoms. Adult or child, both can experience problem in language processing.

Other variants are expressed as slow reading in case of perceptual dyslexia and linguistic dyslexia, where patient can read faster but make mistakes.

Dyslexia management

Dyslexia cannot be cured and is managed for easing out the life, with the help of specialists. Dyslexia and vision problems are different. Addressing vision problems with eye glasses, vision therapy or both can improve visual efficiency and visual processing. Once visual impairment is corrected, child become more responsive and can respond to instructions in a better and efficient way. 

Dyslexic patients should not feel that they have limited career opportunities .If proper professional care and experienced teachers with holistic approach is given, there have been examples of quite a many famous personalities in the history, once were dyslexic.

To schedule an appointment with one of our experts or to know more about our various corrective and treatment modalities, feel free to contact us at +91 22 61549999  or visit our clinic at Bandra.


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