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Ojas Eye Hospital in Bandra, Kandivali, Mumbai

Endophthalmitis – eye infection IOP – eye pressure

Endophthalmitis – eye infection IOP – eye pressure

May 13, 2019

A novel innovation to Alter the refractive index of the eye through Laser.

Scott MacRae, MD, Rochester, New York, introduced laser-induced refractive index change (LIRIC, Clerio Vision) as an innovation that he said has the potential to be a better, safer way to refine optics of the eye. It could be used to revolutionize refractive surgery, provided postop IOL touch-ups and adjustments, and modify contact lenses in ways we’ve never been able to do before, he said.

 Instead of altering shapes, this innovation uses a low-pulse energy femtosecond laser to modify refractive index. It can correct sphere cylinder, custom higher order aberrations, and presbyopia. The treatment, Dr. MacRae said, takes a little more than a minute. The first in-human trials with 27 monofocal, presbyopic pseudophakes were treated with a diffractive bifocal. Dr. MacRae noted clear corneas, no inflammation, no scatter, and no scarring or opacity on postop day 1 and at 1 week.


Ojas Eye Hospital A Center of Excellence for Contoura Vision, Femto Bladefree Lasik in Mumbai, India.