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When Should You See an Eye Doctor?

February 18, 2023

It’s crucial to protect vision because it’s one of our most important senses for interacting with the world around us. But how can you tell when it’s time to visit an eye doctor? In this post, we look at a few signs that will indicate that you should schedule an appointment with an eye doctor right away.

The Common eye problems

There are several common eye issues that might develop. These include:

  • Dry eyes
  • Blurry vision
  • Itchy eyes
  • Redness
  • Watery eyes
  • Eye fatigue
  • Sensitivity to light

It’s crucial to visit an eye doctor for a diagnosis if you experience any of these problems. They are able to identify the root cause of the issue and offer you the appropriate treatment.

The warning signs that indicate you should visit an eye doctor are:

A few signs you should see an eye doctor include:

Double vision:

Double vision may indicate an injury, stroke, tumor, or disease. Contact your eye doctor right away if your double vision is persistent or started suddenly.

Blurry vision:

Though blurry vision is a common eye issue, it could also be a sign of a serious eye condition.

It’s critical to see an eye doctor right away if you find out that your vision becomes suddenly blurry or more blurry than usual.

Frequent headaches:

Emotional and physical stress can cause headaches, which can range from a dull pain in and around the temples and/ or sharp pain around or behind the eyes. Eye problems are one of the many medical conditions that can cause headaches.

Chronic headaches may indicate glaucoma, infection, or eyestrain. You should make an appointment with your ophthalmologist if you frequently experience headaches.

Difficulty seeing at night:

One of the first signs of vision loss may be trouble seeing at night.

Having more difficulty seeing as you get older, whether it be while driving at night or in other low-light situations, can also be an indication of more significant ocular health issues, including a growing cataract or macular degeneration.

An eye doctor will be able to suggest the underlying cause of your "night blindness" and prescribe the best course of therapy.

Eye pain:

Any form of pain in the eyes or the surrounding area is abnormal and may indicate a serious problem.

Acute angle-closure glaucoma and ocular tumors are two conditions that can cause severe eye pain and quickly lead to blindness.

Other, more frequent causes of eye pain include irritation brought on by allergies or a foreign object in the eye, an infection like pink eye, dry eye syndrome, or a scratch on the cornea.

Large floaters or flashing lights:

Floaters are those tiny lines, circles, or squiggles that occasionally appear in your field of vision. They appear to be in front of your eyes, but they are actually shadows cast by minute fibers in the vitreous fluid of your eyes.

Dry eyes

You may be experiencing symptoms of dry eyes, i.e., eyes that feel dry or itchy.

Artificial tears could provide you with short-term relief.

They will be able to identify the root cause of your dry eyes and recommend a comprehensive approach that addresses the causes as well as the symptoms.

Watery eyes

Numerous conditions, from allergies to more serious conditions like conjunctivitis, can result in watery eyes. You should see an eye doctor if you have watery eyes since they may be a sign of a more serious eye condition that has to be diagnosed.

Eye discomfort using digital screens

The issue of computer vision syndrome is getting worse as many of us sit in front of a computer screen for hours, sometimes at work, or over phones, televisions, and laptops.
Excessive use of screens can cause:

  • Eye strain in adults
  • Reduced blinking, which results in signs of dry eyes
  • Children’s myopia which is progressing more quickly

If symptoms continue, your eye doctor will be able to evaluate the situation and make treatment suggestions.

Light sensitivity

You may experience some light sensitivity as you transition from indoor lighting to outdoor sunlight, which is normal.

However, if your eyes are sensitive to light, this may be due to serious eye conditions such as corneal abrasion, cataracts, or keratoconus.These conditions need to be addressed by an eye doctor.

However, excessive sensitivity to light could be a sign of a serious eye problem such as keratoconus, corneal abrasion, or cataracts, and an eye doctor needs to treat these condition.

Tags: Eye Doctor

Ojas Eye Hospital A Center of Excellence for Contoura Vision, Femto Bladefree Lasik in Mumbai, India.