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Ojas Eye Hospital in Bandra, Kandivali, Mumbai

Retinal Detachment: How Should I Know And The Risk Factors

October 27, 2020


The role of vision is tough to outline in our lives as, without it, there will be no window to our soul. Whenever there is a deficiency in vision, we find our life in darkness. Among the various causes of visual disorders, one is Retinal detachment. This condition arises when the thin lining of tissue (retina)situated at the back of the eye separates from its underlying blood vessels. Since the eye cannot work without the retina, a person may have a permanent loss of vision if correct treatment is not carried out at the right time.

What Is Retinal Detachment?

The retina is an important structure of the eye and is a light-sensitive area that sends visual messages to the brain. When the retina separates away from its normal position, it results in an ocular emergency.

Retinal detachment occurs when the thin layer of retinal tissue pulls away from its underlying blood vessels that provide nutrients and oxygen to the retinal cells. This condition must betreated immediately to avoid permanent loss of vision.

How Do You Know That You Have Retinal Detachment?

When a small part of the retina starts to detach, it causes no pain. However, you experience some difficulty in vision and a dark curved shadow is noticed in front of the eye as the detachment progresses. Some symptoms include:

  • The appearance of little dark spots or lines that float within the eye.
  • flashes of lights noticed in front of the eye.
  • Reduced vision noticed for distance and near.
  • Curtain or veil-like shadow over your vision, as well as in the middle or on sides.
  • Feeling of heaviness

This condition arises suddenly, and if not treated right away, may progress and can cause permanent loss of vision or blindness.

Who Is At Risk For Retinal Detachment?

This condition is most common in individuals above the age of 50. However, anyone can develop this condition. Certain factors increase the risk of retinal detachment. These factors are:

  • Nearsightedness(myopia).
  • Family history of retinal detachment.
  • Previous history of eye injury or surgeries like cataract.
  • Condition of Diabetic retinopathy in which blood vessels of the retina get damaged dueto diabetes.
  • Posterior vitreous detachment (this condition arises when vitreous gel-like fluid presentat the center of an eye pulls away from the retina).
  • Some other eye diseases or disorders such as retinoschisis(splitting of retinal layers) orlattice generation(thinning of the peripheral retina).

How To Treat Retinal Detachment?

Treatment of retinal detachment depends on the severity of the condition. The primary aim ofthe treatment is to preserve the remaining vision and try to regain the lost vision as much as possible. The doctors generally recommend various surgeries to repair any tear, hole, or break in the retina and reattach the retina at the back of your eye. These may be:

  • Laser surgery: The doctor recommends laser surgery to reattach the retina back to Its original position. The doctor applies laser around the site of the retinal tear through a Special equipment that helps in attaching the retina to the underlying tissue.
  • Cryopexy: It involves a temperature reduction probe to remove any dead tissues and fixany tear or hole in the. The doctor connects the retina at the back of your eye through this surgery.
  • Vitrectomy: The vitreous fluid is removed from the eye to provide better access to the retina for the surgery. A doctor injects a gas bubble that holds the retina at its original position. Sometimes silicon oil injection is done to attach the retina to it’s normal position.

Ojas Eye Hospital A Center of Excellence for Contoura Vision, Femto Bladefree Lasik in Mumbai, India.