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Ojas Eye Hospital in Bandra, Kandivali, Mumbai

Why Dry Eye Treatment Is Important Before Ocular Surgery

August 27, 2020


With the advancement in technology and extensive training of the surgeons, cataract surgery and LASIK surgery are done with a high success rate. The doctors are leaving no stone unturnedto provide a clear vision to patients. Thus, the doctors are treating dry eyes condition inpatients before performing cataract or LASIK surgery. In patients with dry eye, the tear film is either absent or is significantly uneven. This results in a blurred image. So, to obtain the best image after ocular surgery, the ophthalmologists treat dry eye before going for surgery.

Treatment Of Dry Eye Before Cataract Surgery

A cataract is a condition characterized by a cloudy lens. The symptoms of cataract include blurred vision and cloudy vision. During cataract surgery, the cloudy lens is replaced by asynthetic lens. The intraocular lenses are chosen based on the refractive prescription.

In patients with dry eyes, there is a problem with the tear film. This results in choosing incorrectintraocular lenses due to dry eye. The patients with dry eyes have a blurred and distorted image. The vision, post-cataract surgery, may not be achieved as desired by the patient. Thus,to make surgery a complete success, the doctors treat the dry eyes before cataract surgery.

The time of treating dry eyes depends upon the severity of dry eyes. However, with anoptimum treatment strategy, many patients can achieve an even tear film. The surgeons then proceed with the surgery.

Treatment Of Dry Eye Before Lasik Surgery

LASIK surgery treats short-sightedness, long-sightedness, and astigmatism. LASIK surgery aimsto enhance the vision of the patient. Before the LASIK surgery, the patient undergoes acomprehensive ocular examination. it is done to determine how much adjustments in the refractive prescription are required to achieve a clear vision. The optimum vision is achieved through reshaping the cornea.

Dry eye results in the incorrect refractive prescription of the patient. It results in the faulty outcome of the LASIK surgery, and the desired enhancement in vision may not be achieved. The patient may have blurred vision after surgery. Thus, a dry eye is treated before LASIK surgery.

Other Benefits Of Treating Dry Eye

Apart from the improved outcome of cataract and LASIK surgery, there are various other benefits of treating dry eyes. Following are the important benefits:

Response to dry eye treatment post-cataract and LASIK surgery: In many patients, the cataract surgery and LASIK surgery may result in dry eyes as post-surgical complications. If the patient undergoes a dry eye treatment regimen before surgery, the doctor may have the information about how the patient will respond to dry eye treatment after surgery.

Identifying a suitable candidate: If the patient has severe dry eye disease, he may not be asuitable candidate for Lasik. The doctor may advise such patients other optionssuch as implantable contact lens surgery.


Treating dry eyes before cataract or LASIK surgery improves the outcome of operation. The doctors are also able to understand the result of the dry eye treatment regimen and may repeat if the patientsuffers dry eye as a side effect of surgery. If the tear film is absent or is significantly uneven it results in a blurred image. So, to obtain the best image after ocular surgery, the ophthalmologists treat dry eye before going for the surgery.


Ojas Eye Hospital A Center of Excellence for Contoura Vision, Femto Bladefree Lasik in Mumbai, India.