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Ojas Eye Hospital in Bandra, Kandivali, Mumbai


Is There Any Risk In Delaying The Cataract Surgery?

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One of the most common eye conditions in people over 40 is cataract. Though ageing is considered to be the main reason, other factors, including heredity, sun exposure, etc., can also contribute. It is not a life-threatening issue, but it should still be addressed on time. The clouding of the eye lens, known as a cataract, requires surgery to remove it.

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Are Your Eye Drops Safe To Use While Wearing Contacts?

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‘Is it safe to use eye drops while wearing contact lenses?’, is a question that contact lens wearers frequently ask. The type of eye drop will determine the answer! The best course of action is to schedule a consultation with your ophthalmologist and confirm that the particular eye drops are safe to use while wearing contact lenses.

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Your Kid’s Vision Issues Are Affecting Their Performance At School? Notice For The Warning Signs!

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There is more to it than just not being able to see the board; poor vision in the classroom can harm your kid’s development and academic performance, but there may be a simple solution right in front of them. If your child has vision issues, they might find it difficult to concentrate and understand schoolwork and assignments.

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Double Vision: When Is The Condition Serious?

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Double vision, also referred to as diplopia, is a condition in which a person sees two images of the same object, which may overlap, intermingle, or be side by side. This eye condition may be isolated or connected to something more serious. Monocular vs. binocular diplopia Your doctor will categorize your double vision as monocular.

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Why Rubbing Your Eyes Could Be Dangerous: Germs And Your Eyes

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Most people frequently rub their eyes throughout the day without even giving it much thought. Whenever we are tired, our eyes feel itchy or dry, or there is something stuck in one of them, the simplest way to feel better is to rub our eyes a little. But unfortunately, doing so helps the germs travel from our fingers to our eyes.

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Know The Essential Summer Eye Care Tips!

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The most delicate area of our bodies, our eyes,require special attention and care, especially during the scorching summer when wet clothes and sweat are a routine. Summertime can be bad for the eyes because of the rising temperatures, dust, and other types of pollution that are present everywhere throughout the season. This makes the eyes more susceptible to various diseases.

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How Do The Eyes Adjust In The Dark And How Long Does It Take To Do So?

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In complete darkness, no one can see. Fortunately, there is generally always some light. Even if it’s merely dim starlight, your eyes can sense it. What’s truly remarkable is how little light is required to see. So, if you understand how our eyes operate, you would know they require light to see. Continue reading to find out how our eyes see at night and how to improve our night vision.

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Foods That Are Beneficial To Your Eyes

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Most of the time, we don’t give much thought to things until something goes wrong with them, and the same is true for our vision too. Because we live in an age of “information overload,” life has become extremely hectic. Sometimes we don’t realize something is malfunctioning or not working properly until the warning signs begin to beep and flash. Blurred vision, headaches, and/or wet eyes are all indicators of poor eye health.

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Let Us Discuss The Common Causes, Symptoms And Treatment Options For Blindness And Vision Loss

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Eyes are windows to the world; they allow us to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us. However, many people around the world suffer from vision loss or blindness as a result of numerous eye disorders. Vision loss can be a complete or partial loss of vision and may occur suddenly or gradually over time, in one eye or both eyes, depending on the reason.

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What Symptoms Indicate The Need For A Change In Your Eyeglass Prescription?

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If you have been wearing glasses for years, and believe that you can still see quite well through them, you are probably right. Even if you believe you can see clearly, there could be changes in your eyesight that you are unaware of. Poor vision can cause serious damage to your eyes. But how do you know when it’s time to get a new prescription for your glasses?

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What Might Be Causing Light Sensitivity In You

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Light sensitivity, commonly known as photophobia, causes an individual to experience discomfort or eye pain when exposed to bright light. This condition affects millions of people globally. Photophobia can occur after being exposed to direct sunlight, fluorescent light, or incandescent light. Some people are simply bothered by bright lights, whereas others are bothered by any light, and it might cause headaches as well as the need to squint or close your eyes.

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How Long Do Your Eyes Need To Adapt To New Glasses?

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Whether you are new to wearing eyeglasses or have received a new prescription, the initial adjustments may take some time. Most people will suffer symptoms such as dizziness, headache, itchy, red, irritated, or weary eyes during this transition period. Some people even claim that their vision is worse with the new glasses than without them, and must say that this is entirely normal during the initial few days.

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Blue Light: Does It Affect My Eyes?

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Are you frequently looking at a bright screen after the sun goes down?
If yes, you are not the only one; the majority of us spend a lot of time staring at screens. This could be harmful for our eyes. Electronic devices’ blue light has been related to issues like cataracts, macular degeneration, dry eyes, blurred vision, and eyestrain, and some people have trouble sleeping.

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Sand In The Eye: What Needs To Be Done?

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It can be very unpleasant to have sand (or any other foreign boby) stuck in your eye because of the irritating, stinging sensation. Other adverse effects, including eye tearing and difficulty in seeing are also possible.
A system for removing foreign objects from your eyes is already built into them. Generally, with a little bit of patience, your eyes will be able to handle the sand grain on their own. But if it has not been flushed out on its own, you should carefully flush it out or visit a doctor if needed.

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Inadequate Sleep: How Does It Affect Your Eyes?

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On March 18, World Sleep Day, we have the chance to spread the word about how important sleep is to our overall well-being. Some people may have difficulty getting enough sleep, and a number of things can affect how well you sleep. We all know that getting enough sleep is important for maintaining our health and keeping us attentive, but have you ever considered the effects that sleep deprivation may have on your eyes?

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The Increasing Worries Of Eye Cancer: Everything You Need To Know

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People are least worried about their eyes, which can cause serious problems if not cared for properly. One of the deadliest disorders that can affect our vision is eye cancer, often known as ocular cancer. Even though it’s uncommon, eye cancer can sometimes be fatal and risk someone’s vision.

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Using screens In The Dark Risks Speeding Up Vision Loss

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People frequently work on their laptops, use their cell phones, or even watch TV while it is dark. They do this for a variety of reasons, one of which is to enhance their experience. Yet, as some individuals tend to think that doing so could hurt one’s eyes, it is common to be scolded for doing so. But going to the movies and staying in the dark to enjoy a movie is perfectly acceptable. So what is the proper course of action? Should we restrict the use of screens in the dark in all circumstances, or should we continue as is?

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Eye Examination: What to Expect at an Eye Checkup?

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Approximately one in five adults have an unidentified eye condition.
This shocking number emphasizes the value of routine eye exams for maintaining the best possible eye health. For those who have never had an eye exam, we would to explain why it is crucial to get a regular eye exam for maintaining good eyesight throughout one’s lifetime.

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Did You Know Exercise Can Boost Your Eye Health?

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One of your most important senses is vision. Eye problems are frequently overlooked because they are not always obvious.
As you age, it becomes increasingly crucial to take care of your eye health. Once you pass the age of 40, you are more likely to experience issues like presbyopia, glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration.

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Eye Care Myths: What Your Eye Specialist Wants You to Know

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There is lots of knowledge available on eye care, yet everything you read or hear isnot necessarily true. There are numerous persistent myths, ranging from those that injure your eyes to those that claim to improve your vision.

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Ojas Eye Hospital A Center of Excellence for Contoura Vision, Femto Bladefree Lasik in Mumbai, India.